
SCHEDULE II [Rule 3 (3)] RULES OF BUSINESS 1973 (As amended up to 5th December, 2024)

1. Preparation of an overall integrated plan as well as formulation of policy for the development and improvement of Information Technology and Telecommunications, including related infrastructure, in Pakistan.

2. Co-ordination with the Provincial Governments, autonomous bodies, private sector, international organizations and foreign countries in respect of information technology and telecommunications.

3. Human resource development in the field of information technology and telecommunications.

4. Promotion of information technology applications.

5. Providing guidelines for the standardization of software for use within the Government.

6. Planning, policy making and legislation covering all aspects of telecommunications excluding radio and television and issuance of policy directives.

7. Matters relating to National Information Technology Board ( previously Pakistan Computer Bureau and the Electronic Government Directorate), Pakistan Software Export Board .

8. All matters relating to National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC), Telecommunications Foundation (TF), Special Communications Organization (SCO), Virtual University (V.U) and Electronic Certification Accreditation Council.

9. The administration of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance 2007, and the rules made there under.

10. Safeguard interest of Government of Pakistan in entities having public shares or government equity like PTCL, USF Co & ICT R&D Co. 

11. Omitted vide SRO 939(1)/2019 dated 19-08-2019.

12. Administrative functions in respect of the National Information Technology Board Act, 2022 (XVII of 2022).