Enhancement of Postal Infrastructure System using Digital Technologies: Closing Date 12-06-2024
Japan International Cooperation Agency has offered one seat for a subject training course scheduled to be held w.e.f. August 25 2024 to September 5, 2024, in Japan.
The nomination of the suitable officer is requested who fulfils the following criteria by 12-06-2024 along with three copies of the prescribed JICA form, one copy of CNIC, passport, FTC Performa and undertaking & surety bond as advised in G.I. booklet.
Course Objective:
Aims to deepen the understanding of the Japanese Postal infrastructure system and improve the ability to formulate and promote policies in the participant's countries.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Officer in charge of postal policies or organizations in charge of postal services.
- Have good knowledge and experience on postal operations and services with use of ICT and DX.
- Be a graduate or equivalent.
- Proficiency in spoken and written English.
- Be between the age of twenty-five (25) and fifty (50) years.
Prescribed JICA Application Form and FTC Performa can be downloaded from EAD’s website and also available on JICA’s website www.jica.go.jp/pakistan/english/index.html